My New LEGO City MOC: It Has to Begin Somewhere!

I mentioned this the other day but I have decided to create my own custom LEGO city now that I have a large "man cave" of sorts in the basement of my new house.  In order to begin working on a custom city though, I first need a large collection of LEGO bricks to choose from.

Thus, it was to eBay!

Yeah, that's a medium sized flat rate box full of assorted LEGO bricks.  I actually have no idea what bricks I got as I simply won a pair of auctions for "single color" bricks.  Hopefully, sometime soon, I'll do a video unveiling of the box itself since it's still sitting on my desk unopened!

Once the box is opened and the bricks are sorted, I'm hoping to begin construction on something related to my city.  I also still need to acquire a large table before I can move too quickly ahead...and I'd like to get a LEGO train soon too!
