A Christmas Present to Myself - My First LEGO Train (of my own)

Happy New Year everyone!

Yesterday, I went to Wal*Mart for some things and found myself drawn to the LEGO aisle.  I have no idea why seeing as how I had the best ever Christmas in terms of LEGO sets ever (more on that another day).  However, I was in the aisle so I had to look...and what did I see?

Only the LEGO Cargo Train (set #60052) on sale for $60.00 off!

Yeah, I bought it.  
Yeah, I built it.  
Yeah, it's pretty cool.  

I'll post a full review of the set sometime soon but I had to show off my find today!  This train is my first train of my own.  Back when I was a kid, my brother and I received the LEGO Load and Haul Railroad...but that set still resides at my parents' house.  This train is all mine - and it will serve as the main focal point for my LEGO City that I'm intent on building in the near future!
