Expanding My Minifigure Collection!

I recently completed a trade with Colbey who agreed to send me six different minifigures in exchange for a whole lot of baseball cards (one of my other hobbies).  Now that we have both received our end of the trade, let's take a look at the new LEGO to join my collection.

First up, the prize of the package (for me):  A Series 1 Minifigure of the Nurse.  Thanks to Colbey, I now own four different figures from the first series (I wasn't collecting LEGO back when the first four series were released).  Tracking down the remaining figures will be difficult (because of how long ago they were released) but I'm hopeful I can keep making slow, but steady, progress.  Colbey also sent me a figure from Series 9:  the Battle Mech.  I'm much closer to completing Series 9 - in fact, now that I have the Battle Mech I'm only missing 4 more figures.

And from Series 14, Colbey sent me two figures I needed:  the Banshee and the Plant Monster.  Back when Series 14 was announced (and the figures shown off), I wasn't interested in the Halloween theme and so I decided at the time that I'd ignore the set.  However, the completionist in me got bothered by that decision later on, and so now I'm once again working on a set that was released quite a while ago.  Unlike Series 1 (which was very popular), I don't get the feeling that Series 14 is all that popular which should make tracking down the final four figures that I still need not terrible difficult.

Unfortunately for me, Colbey made a couple of mistakes on a few figures he sent my way.  He said he had the Series 3 Space Villain (which I needed) but instead sent me Space Alien (also from Series 3, but I already owned a copy).  He also said he has the Series 9 Waiter for me (which I need) but instead sent the Series 11 Diner Waitress (which I already owned).  Both mistakes were honest, and since the real prize of the package for me was the Series 1 figure, I'm still perfectly happy with the trade overall.  In this case, I've simply added the Diner Waitress and the Space Alien to my "have for trade" list on Swapfig...hopefully before too long I'll be able to turn each them into a minifigure that I still need!

Thanks again for the swap, Colbey!  And, as always, if anyone else out there wants to trade leave me a comment and we can hopefully work something out.  If you want to see what I have available for trade, check me out on Swapfig.
