My First Taste of LEGO Series 19 Collectible Minigifigures

The LEGO Series 19 Collectible Minifigure blind packs have finally made their way to my neck of the woods.  While at Wal-Mart the other day, I grabbed a handful of packs after completing my grocery shopping.  Seeing that I didn't own a single minifig from the set, I didn't bother trying to be selective with my packs, it was just a handful into the card and then I was on my way.

I ended up with a total of seven different packs of minifigures but as you'll see in a bit I didn't do the best job grabbing random packs in that I actually ended up with three (!) copies of the same minifigure. 

I do like the lime green look of the set bags this time around, definitely eye catching!

Before I show off the figures that I actually got, let's take a look at the full checklist for Series 19.

I'm happy that LEGO has returned to the smaller series size with only 16 minifigs.  When buying them by the pack, a 16 figure set is expensive enough - I don't need 20+ minifigs in a series!  I'm also glad to see LEGO take a step back from the licensed IPs from the last few minifig series (Harry Potter, LEGO Movie 2, etc.).  It's good to get a series full of "random" dudes (and dudettes).

There are a bunch of figures here that I want for my own collection (I mean, I want the full set since I'm a completionist but there are a bunch of figures that are of particular interest to me).  Luckily, I did get a couple of my "most wanted" figures including the Pizza Guy.

The Pizza Guy has a lovely pizza costume to wear plus a nice printed tile in a somewhat odd size (2x3).  Of all the minifigures in the series, this is one of the ones that I actually wouldn't mind getting a few duplicates of - that pizza tile in particular can have lots of uses within my custom LEGO city!

Next, a minifigure who is cool enough on his own but doesn't have a particular use in my LEGO City, at least not yet:

That's the Rugby Player and look at that "gorgeous" smile he has.  I do like the rugby ball and I'm guessing we'll soon get an (American) football as an accessory as well. 

Another figure with nice accessories is the Video Game Guy.

Green hair with headset, another 2x3 printed tile, and a sweet (printed) controller piece make Video Game Guy a winner in my book.  I like video games plenty but this wasn't a figure I was particularly interested in until I actually got him in a pack.  Heck, I even like the "play-box" brand name on the video game case.  Good stuff all around here!

The next figure I got was a throwback to the Fright Knights from a number of years ago. 

The Fright Knights came out just a bit after I had given up doing anything with LEGO as a teenager so I don't have any particular feelings about the line.  This is a kind of cool ghost knight though (and it came with an extra sword and an extra helmet plume in trans blue which is nice). 

And finally, we end with a minifigure that I somehow picked up three times out of the seven blind packs:

That's the Jungle Explorer who comes complete with a nice magnifying glass, knapsack, and sweet little lizard!  It's not a character that I needed three copies of, though I may end up using the second copy to make a new pet shop for my city.  In fact, Series 19 has a lot of different animals that could go in a custom Pet Shop if I ever get around to making such a thing. 

That does it for my first foray into the series.  I hope to grab another batch of packs before too long in an effort to get closer to completing the set (and ideally track down some of my remaining most wanted figures including the bath guy, the mummy queen, the dog walker, and the person in the fox costume).  For now though, I'll enjoy what I have and maybe, just maybe, I'll start working on a new custom building for my city!


  1. I've never purchased any Lego blind bags, but if I did... I'd want the dog walker and the rainbow bear the most.

  2. The blind bags are rather fun to open!


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