Finally! Some New LEGO Minifigures for My Collection! (Series 20)

I finally found some new LEGO Series 20 Collectible Minifigures at my local Wal-Mart.  For months, I've been avoiding going into the physical building and instead relying on the mobile ordering from the app (with outdoor pickup).  However, I had to grab some stuff for a meal I was cooking later that day so there wasn't time for a mobile order and thus I found myself in the store.  And when one is in the store, one must check out the LEGO aisle, right?!

I can't speak for other Wal-Mart locations but my Wal-Mart was almost completely out of LEGO sets.  I don't think I've ever seen the shelves as empty as they were when I was in there.  One thing's for certain, you can easily pick out which sets the masses consider the "worst" when those are the only ones remaining on store shelves during a pandemic!  The one thing that wasn't empty though was the basket where they throw the polybags and minifigure packs.  

I grabbed myself seven packs figuring that the chances of most of them being needed was quite high since I didn't own any Series 20 at that point.  

So, the real question is:  How did I do with my random grabbing of packs?  

Answer:  Not bad at all.  I ended up with six new minifigures and only one duplicate.  I'll take that for a series that only has 16 total minifigs in it.

Looking at the set checklist, I think Series 20 is a solid set indeed.  I love the most of the minifigures and I like that there are a number of themes and ideas included (plus most of the figures have at least one unique or useful part or accessory).  

So, what did I end up with you ask?  

#4:  Tournament Knight

I am a huge, HUGE fan of the old castle sets.  The castle theme was one of my favorites as a kid and so any time LEGO introduces another retro castle minifig in their line of Collectible Minifigures you know I'm going to be all over it.  The Tournament Knight is one of the most common figures in the box (and he happens to be the one I pulled a duplicate of) but that's not a bad thing since many people might want to "army build" with the Knight.  His shield is the star of the show for me but I also love his bucket helmet design - and the return of the feather plume!

#5:  Pirate Girl

LEGO has been doing a much, much better job of including females in their sets and minifigure line-ups...and even more importantly, including women doing things that were once stereotypically considered male-centric.  The Pirate Girl is one such figure - she's a baddie with a sword and I approve!  Also, another feather plume!  The Pirate Girl is in the second tier of rarity within the box.

#6:  Space Fan

Another female figure and this one is even better than the last!  The Space Fan comes with a smorgusboard of fun accessories.  The rocket with the NASA printed brick is awesome but I equally love the 2x3 printed schematics for the rocket.  The Space Fan's shirt features a classic space ship from LEGO's past which makes it particularly awesome for people my age!  Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't also complement LEGO on the design of the Space Fan's hat/hair piece - love it, love it, love it.  The Space Fan is also in the second tier of rarity so she shouldn't be too hard to find for those of you who like her as much as I do!

#7:  Llama Costume Girl

LEGO likes to have costumed figures in the Collectible Minifigure line-up and for my money, this is probably the best of the three costumed figures in this particular series.  The only bad thing about the Llama Costume Girl is that she has a boring accessory - a simple carrot.  Otherwise, it's adorable (and though not so easy-to-find - the llama is in the least common rarity tier).

#10:  Martial Arts Boy

I've never been a huge fan (or practicer) of martial arts so this figure clearly wasn't made for me.  I like the accessory but otherwise this is one of my least favorite figures in the series.  The Martial Arts Boy comes 4 to a box putting him in the second rarity tier.

#13:  Green Brick Costume Guy

Following the footsteps of the Red Brick and Blue Brick costumed people from earlier Minifigure Series, the Green Brick Costume Guy is actually a bit better since he also has a printed tile accessory.  I'm sure people more creative than me will come up with all sorts of interesting uses for that #10 tile.  The Green Brick Costume Guy is another one of the middle tier rarity figures.

And that does it for the purchase.  Six out of seven bags were new figures which is good - and most of them fell in the middle tier of rarity.  I do hope to eventually finish this set since there are still a number of other minifigures that I want in it (Pinata Boy, Viking, Athlete, Drone Boy, Peapod Costume Girl, and Sea Rescuer for sure)!  I've updated my SwapFig account to show the newest additions to my collection so if you happen to be on there maybe we can work out some sort of trade!

For my own reference if nothing else:

Series 20 Rarity Guide

Common (5 per box):
Tournament Knight
Super Warrior 
Sea Turtle Rescuer

Uncommon (4 per box):
Pea Pod Girl
Pirate Girl
Space Fan
Martial Arts Boy
Green Brick Costume Guy
Drone Boy

Rare (3 per box):
Pinata Boy
Llama Costume Girl
80s Musician
Pyjama Girl


  1. I'll have to track down that Space Fan figure. It'll go great with the space shuttle I just bought and the Women of NASA set I still need to build.


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