2020 LEGO City Advent Calendar #60268: Days 13 - 18

At this point, we are three-quarters of the way through the 2020 LEGO City Advent Calendar.  As I've been doing all Advent season, I've got the next six mini builds to show off today!  You can find the previous six builds here if you are interested and/or missed that particular post.

Much like with days 7 - 12, we received one new minifigure - this time it was the crook Daisy Kaboom. 

Daisy has a nice hairpiece that shows a little bit of orange.  I'm also a big fan of her torso.  The real questions is why does she come with handcuffs as her accessory and not the dynamite that we got earlier in the advent calendar (after all, her last name is "kaboom")?!  

The third quarter of mini builds also produced our third building for our growing micro LEGO city.  

That's supposed to be a bank with a tree growing outside it.  I guess the idea is that the bank is the target of one of Daisy's heists?  I'm not exactly sure...and I'm also not convinced that the building looks anything like a bank - so far, the three micro buildings have been the biggest "misses" of the Advent calendar.  

On a more humorous side, early on we got both a police station and a gas station...so when we opened up the bank a couple of days ago my two-year-old son instantly called it the "money station."  Frankly, I like that name much more than "bank" anyhow!

Speaking of my son, let's show off his favorite build of the entire calendar to date - a monster truck complete with wheels that actually spin!

The scale on this one is all wrong as compared to everything else in the calendar but my son doesn't care at all.  He loves this thing!

That wasn't the only vehicle though in this group of six days.  In fact, three of the six days produced ground vehicles - but only the monster truck has moving tires!

That's supposed to be a blue car (or maybe crossover or hatchback) and a second car which I think is supposed to be a police car (based on the included minifigures and buildings) but I think it kind of looks more like an ambulance.  Whatever it is, it's not great.  The car is okay though - and I do dig the bright blue color!

Finally, another fun little build to close out this group of six days:  a plane!

My son had been hoping for a plane for quite some time since the printed playmat included in the Advent calendar had a runway on it.  If nothing else, I'm happy we actually got a plane - otherwise I think the little dude might have been bummed.

Overall, the Advent calendar has produced a fairly robust city after 18 days of builds.  

Overall, not much to complain about here!  The concept of the micro-buildings is intriguing and I like the idea of having some buildings in the mini city but the execution of two of the buildings (bank and gas station) leaves something to be desired.  Otherwise, this is shaping up to be a rather nice Advent calendar...and for me personally, it's been a blast having something to open up, build, and play with my son each day!  I'm definitely going to miss that experience once Christmas gets here and we run out of little doors to open up!


  1. Seeing all of these builds laid out on the playmat is very cool. Maybe next year I'll skip HP and grab the City calendar.

    1. The playmat has been a huge hit with my son! Honestly, I've got a newfound appreciation for little builds like this watching my son enjoy them so much!


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