I'm back with part 3 of my 2021 LEGO City Advent Calendar review where I'm going to take a look at the builds for days 13 through 18. If you missed part 1 or part 2 of my review of the calendar, you can find them by following the appropriate links.
Now, on to the next six days!
Days 13 - 18:
Day 13: Festive Table
The festive table contains a large chocolate cake (with decorative topping), a lit candle, a chocolate chip cookie, and a glass of milk. Presumable, this is the table that one might leave set for Santa's visit. For me, this is one of those builds where the individual pieces are more interesting than the build itself (that's not a bad thing, mind you). It's also a bit odd to get a large table like this as a build in the same advent calendar where we are getting City buildings that are an identical size. The multiple "scales" of builds are bit all over the place this year.
Day 14: Firefighter (Bob)
Bob, the firefighter, comes with a handy axe and a nice red helmet. Other than that though, there isn't much to today's build. I do wish that LEGO would include more "original" minifigs in its City calendars (for example, how about a chef to go with the previous day's build rather than yet another firefighter)?
Day 15: Fire Station
Well, now at least Bob has somewhere to go when he's not fighting fires. The minifigure sized attachments on each of the mini buildings is kind of a fun gimmick this year - and honestly, this is a great looking mini fire station (complete with a comically-oversized drone).
The Fire Station also completes the fire fighting portion of the Advent Calendar this year - we ended up with Bob, a fire station, plus a fire fighting helicopter. That's a lot of fire related stuff - and again, you can see how there are three different "scales" at work here which does make things kind of confusing!
Day 16: Truck with Trailer
I believe this build is supposed to be a truck with a trailer...and furthermore, I believe that the trailer is supposed to be a flat bed trailer hauling a ramp. If I'm correct, this should be a miniaturized version of the truck that comes in the LEGO Stunt Show Truck set (#60294):
The ramp is designed to be used for the Monster Truck that we got earlier in the calendar. Unfortunately, LEGO only included a single orange slope piece so you can really make the Monster Truck drive up the ramp...the truck is much too wide for the single ramp piece!
Day 17: Caroler (Top Hat Tom)
I love Top Hat Tom's name, if nothing else. Actually, I love this minifigure all the way around. For one, it's actually Christmas themed which is nice. Second, it's a more unique figure as compared to the plethora of firemen/police officers/criminals that we've gotten already in this set. Third, it even has a printed tile with it that looks like a checklist of songs that have been sung (one could easily repurpose that piece to be used as Santa's list that he will check twice on Christmas Eve night).
Day 18: Workbench with Toy Ship
We end today's portion of the review with another strangely scaled build - this time of a workbench complete with duck, tools, and a toy ship. The good news is that this build is also vaguely on theme (you could imagine this being an elf's workstation but unfortunately there are no elves included in this year's calendar. Frankly, if it weren't for that little ducky this day would be a bust but the ducky saves it and so I'm satisfied with the build!
That does it for this group of days. Honestly, this set of six days was quite solid, not much to complain about. I'm fairly certain I'll find uses for all of the minifigures, builds, and/or pieces from this batch of builds!
I've got one more set of days to write-up yet and then this calendar will be complete! I hope you are having a great holiday season...and hopefully enjoying my run through of this year's LEGO City Advent Calendar. See you again soon!
Love the duck! But it seems a little out of place with the workbench. Top Hat Tom is fantastic too.