2021 LEGO City Advent Calendar: Days 19 - 24 - REVIEW

I'm back with the final six days out of the 2021 LEGO City Advent Calendar.  If you missed any of the first three posts (covering days 1-18 in total), I'd invite you to check those out in my archives!  For now though, let's see how the calendar ends, shall we?

Day 19:  Garbage Truck

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure if this was supposed to be some sort of fancy garbage truck or some sort of construction truck on Day 19 when I built the vehicle.  It wasn't until the next day's build that things became perfectly clear!  The inclusion of the minifigure shovel and the pile of dog poop was sort of confusing here as was the color scheme of the truck (it still looks half-construction, half-garbage truck to me).  

Day 20:  Garbage Women (Shirley Keeper)

Here we get a lovely minifigure named Shirley, complete with bright orange hair, nice torso print, and a couple of good accessories for a garbage worker to have (brush and green glass bottle).  

Once Day 20's build was opened, then Day 19's truck made more sense as a garbage truck.  I still don't know if LEGO was basing the design of the truck off of some sort of "official" LEGO set (like they did with the monster truck and the official Stuntz line).

Day 21:  An "F" Post.

Okay, full disclosure here.  I still have no idea what this is meant to represent.  There's a fancy letter "F" built onto the side of the brick column...and there's some sort of weird topper to the column.  Is this supposed to be a fence column?  A microscale factory?  A fireplace (without any fire or spot for fire)?  I have no idea.

Day 22:  Train Engine

After the disappointment and confusion of Day 21, seeing something instantly recognizable (and nice) like this train engine was a pleasant recover by LEGO.  My son was particularly happy with this build for two reasons.  First, we finally found a train for that printed train track on the little included playmat and second, the train's wheels actually turn!  I, on the other hand, liked this build for the great colors - super Christmas-y looking and I appreciate that for an Advent Calendar.

Day 23:  Train Car with Presents

We were expecting a train at some point during the calendar but getting a train car on the day after finding the train engine was a legitimate surprise for my son and I.  I like the look of the loaded down car with the different brick-built presents.  The whole thing looks nice and cheery (and once again we get wheels that actually turn so my son was happy too).

Overall, the train looks pretty good!

Day 24:  Santa (Fendrich)

We end the City Advent Calendar with a Santa minifigure (as usual).  This one is apparently some character named Fendrich dressed up as Santa but for my son I simply told him it was Santa Claus (we don't know the "story" of the various characters in this year's calendar).

And that's it!  You've now seen the builds for all 24 days of the 2021 LEGO City Advent Calendar (and it only took me barely into the year 2022 for it to all get written, photographed, and posted about)!  Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. I like the train... and the chocolate cupcake/dog poop.


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