Dining Display: Arctic Fever!

With the Christmas holiday season behind us (and the LEGO Winter Village all packed up), it's time to put out a new display for my son to play with in what used to be our old dining room!  For the month of January, I kept us in the snowy cold north with a bunch of LEGO Arctic sets (plus a City snow plane that fit right in).

Other than some bricks that I used to hold together a bunch of white base plates, this is pretty much a "stock" display of play sets.  I didn't have the time (or ambition) to create anything new from scratch for this particular layout.  

I do hope to do more original builds for future layouts but I guess we'll have to wait and see if that actually materializes or not.  I often have grand ideas but rarely have the time or energy to bring those ideas to fruition.  On the bright side, at least I've managed to keep up with this blog for the first month of 2022!

Now that we are getting nearer to the end of January, I do think I need to start planning out the next display for my son.  The basic rule I have is that it has to be something fun for him to play with - play comes before anything else with these displays!


  1. Arctic exploration is one of those themes I've always been interested in. I would have loved to sit down and play with these sets as a kid.


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