First Custom Building Done! Jurassic World Welcome Center, Museum, Gift Shop, & Science Lab!

Over the past few weeks, I've been using a lot of spare time to build my first custom building for my LEGO Jurassic Park display that I'm assembling as part of my LEGO City train table.  

The Visitor Center ended up being the largest building that I've ever built from scratch - it sits on a whopping ten 16x16 base plates and is over 14 bricks high throughout most of the build (not counting any of the front roof part of the build).  Inside the building sits the main attraction (a large T-Rex skeleton) as well as several smaller displays.  In addition, there is a small gift shop, a stairwell to what will eventually be a monorail station, and in the back, a science laboratory where baby dinosaurs are hatched (created?).  

For a full tour, check out my video here:

It's been a lot of fun designing and building the first portion of my Jurassic Park.  Next up, time to build some dinosaur cages - plus the monorail station!


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