A New (to me) Collectible LEGO Minifigure Shows Up!

It's been quite some time since I was able to add a new LEGO Collectible minifigure to my collection.  It's been even longer since I was able to add a minifig from the LEGO Movie line of figures!  

Today's the day that I get to officially unveil my newest addition to my collection:  the wonderfully named Velma Staplebot.

Velma was one of two minifigs from this series that has eluded me for years (the other being the much more popular William Shakespeare minifig).  I love Velma's hairpiece here as well as her scarf (ascot?).  Her face is suitably robot-like as well which goes with the character's name.

Unfortunately, there is no printing on the back of the minifig (nor on the arms) which is kind of a missed opportunity.  I do like the "Super Secret Plan:  Taco Tuesday" tile that comes as Velma's accessory so that's something I guess.

Overall, this isn't the world's most exciting minifigure but it is exciting to me because now I'm down to needing only one more from this set before it will be complete.  For a full checklist of all that I still need (from all of the LEGO Collectible Minifigure sets that I'm working on), visit this page.


  1. i like the look of this minifig. the robot face is very detailed... and a little scary.


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