REVIEW: LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 27 (#71048) (Part 2)

Today, I'm back with part 2 of my review of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures from Series 27 (set #71048).  In my previous post, we looked at the first six minfigures of the series.  Today, we begin with figure #7, the Longboarder.

#7:  The Longboarder

The Longboarder comes with a nice skateboard piece and quite a bit of printing on the torso and legs.  I do like the larger longboard piece including the fact that it can be held securely by a minifigure.  I also love the bandage on the longboarder's face, it appears our longboarder has taken a few tumbles while practicing her craft!

While skateboarding doesn't do much for me (I've never owned a skateboard nor have I ever attempted to ride a skateboard), I will say that the minifig looks the part of a skater!  As far as accessories go, I think the skater's backward hat with green hair is actually the best part of this figure!  I'm not sure what the point of the gray backpack is, but I guess I shouldn't complain about getting an additional accessory.  That all said, a skateboarding minifigure will probably never get me all that excited given that I have no predisposition to liking the sport, I think a score of 2/5 is more than generous for this figure.

#8:  Bogeyman

Here we go, a return to wild and wacky minifigures that probably wouldn't have a home in any other LEGO line of sets!  The Bogeyman is a lovely little monster figure complete with a large, monster head with horns!  Interestingly, the headpiece is one solid bit - it's not a "mask" that fits over a regular minifigure's head.  Does this mean that the Bogeyman is actually real and not pretend?  I guess that's up to your imagination.

The other big highlight of this figure is the included book with (printed) cover that says "Booo."  The book piece opens up to (another printed) tile which includes a picture of the aforementioned Bogeyman!  There's also a bit of back printing on the torso (which gets covered up by the head piece when the figure is fully assembled).  It's an unnecessary addition by LEGO but one that is appreciated by collectors.  In the end, the Bogeyman is one of the big surprise hits for me.  I love the head piece and the included book, all of which culminate in a score of 5/5.

#9:  Cupid

Just in time for Valentine's Day later this week, here's Cupid complete with a bow and arrow and a small heart tile.  Cupid has two possible facial expressions including super "lovey" eyes made of hearts!  I also like the inclusion of the wing piece, which is attached using a minifigure bracket.  Finally, the printed torso looks great - though I kind of wish the heart pin wasn't on the torso since without that the torso could be used for ancient Roman minifigs!

Cupid's other face is a simple smiling face with blushed cheeks, perhaps  Cupid's arrow hit him instead of its intended target?  Can Cupid get bashful?  I certainly can't say for sure, I'm not up on my Cupid lore.  As for the figure itself, I guess it was high time for LEGO to create a Cupid character and I expect this little guy to be popular around Valentine's Day from here on.  That all said, I can't get excited about this one.  There's nothing wrong with the figure but it's easily one of my least favorites in Series 27 and so I have to give this one a 1/5.

We've made it through three-fourths of Series 27!  I hope to get the final three minifigures built, photographed, and reviewed in the near future - but until then, Happy Valentine's Day later this week...and maybe seek out that Cupid figure for the holiday!


  1. Although I think the Bogeyman is the coolest looking figure... I'd rather have the longboarder. Lego did a great job with the longboard.


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