We've made it to the end of the LEGO Collectible Minifigure Series 27 review. Today, I have the final three minifigs to show off and review. Let's get right to it beginning with the Pirate Quartermaster.
#10: Pirate Quartermaster
The Pirate Quartermaster is an excellent figure packed with great accessories and prints. I love the cockatoo, one of the best bird molds I've seen from LEGO. The Quartermaster herself is also excellent, especially the printed torso (and the cloth ripped "dress" is a nice addition).
Throw in a sword, a new-to-me hair mold, and a dual-sided face and there's basically nothing to complain about here. Heck, even the back of the Quartermaster's torso has printing on it! This is an easy 5/5.
#11: Cat Lover
Right off the bat, I should state that I've developed an allergy to cats in my adulthood which means I'm naturally predisposed to not liking this particular figure. That being said, I can't help but smile at the cat sweater. I also can't help but feel a little queasy at the sight of all the cat hair on the minifigures legs. Sure, it's a cute touch I guess but as someone who is allergic to cats, no thank you! I'll give special credit to LEGO for making another new cat mold and the ball of yarn is also a new-to-me piece which I feel will show up in more sets moving forward!
The sweater print continues on the back of the minifigure which is nice. I also like the alternate expression, it's probably how my face looks when a cat gets too close. I'm definitely not the target audience for this particular figure but I can see the appeal enough to give the Cat Lover a 3/5 score.
#12: Steampunk Inventor
Finally, we end Series 27 on a high note with the Steampunk Inventor. He is one of the few minifigures in the set where we get to actually build an accessory (his claw arm extender?). I also love the printing on the minifigure, particularly on his top hat!
The Steampunk Inventor doesn't get an alternate face, but that's forgivable here since he has that awesome top hat (which wouldn't cover the back printing on his headpiece). At least his torso is interesting from behind.
I don't have a particular use for the Steampunk Inventor in terms of my LEGO layout or collection, but he's undeniably a cool figure and a perfect example of what the Collectible Minifigure line can produce (essentially "one-off" characters like this one). I suppose people who like to build Steampunk stuff will enjoy this character even more, but I'm still giving it a very solid 4/5 score.
That does it for Series 27! Here are my final rankings for each of the 12 figures on the checklist:
3/5 Hamster Costume Fan
5/5 Wolfpack Beastmaster
5/5 Jetpack Racer
3/5 Astronomer Kid
2/5 Plush Toy Collector
5/5 Pterodactyl Costume Fan
2/5 Longboarder
5/5 Bogeyman
1/5 Cupid
5/5 Pirate Quartermaster
3/5 Cat Lover
4/5 Steampunk Inventor
Overall, a solid set for sure! The standout characters include the Wolfpack Beastmaster, Jetpack Race, Pterodactyl Costume Fan, Bogeyman, and the Pirate Quartermaster. Of that group, the biggest surprise was the Jetpack Racer as I had no real interest in the figure seeing it on the checklist but once I got the actual LEGO in my hand the figure instantly won me over!
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